I've had the same troubles trying to upgrade my previous Play to Play+ My solution: 1. This is so upsetting to me I'm afraid I paid $30 just to be able to make a few Muvizu movies without the watermark. Notice page: And under About it says license manager Well this is absent from the Muvizu I just downloaded. Just a few minutes ago I figured out there seems to be no option of where to paste your license key.

So unless I can do this I won't be able to click the box to remove the water mark and the water mark will be on my video. It tells me I got to copy my license to the clipboard and how in the world do I do this? I even create a video to see if I would be able to paste my key in without any problem but I'm having no luck.

I purchased Muvizu Play+ but now I'm using another laptop and I had to download Muvizu all over again.